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connection refused - AWS (HDPCD practice exam) : getting this error eventhouth i restarted ambari-agent

Rising Star

Hi there,

I'm trying to work with AWS for HDPCD practice exam. I ran " hdfs dfs -ls / " cmd on the terminal and getting " connection refused error". I could see all the services are not running and displays with red colour rectangle icon. I ran the below command

ssh root@namenode

password: hadoop

service ambari-agent restart



but, no services are running except Zookeeper and Ganglia services. Please let me know to solve this issue. Thanks! @rich



If you startup one of our practice exams and the cluster services are not running, here are some things to try first:

1. Run the script. You can watch the progress of this script in Ambari - it uses the Ambari REST API to start all HDP services.

2. Login to Ambari and try to start services that way

3. Restart the ambari-agent process on each node in the cluster (password for root is hadoop), then run again:

ssh root@namenode "ambari-agent restart"
ssh root@resourcemanager "ambari-agent restart"   # This only applies the HDPCA exam
ssh root@hiveserver "ambari-agent restart"	# This only applies to the HDPCA exam

If none of the steps above fix the issue, then it is likely an issue with the Docker containers not starting properly. Since you do not have root access on your practice exam, the quickest solution is to simply terminate your EC2 instance and startup another one.


View solution in original post


Master Mentor

@rich Tagging

Master Mentor

@Jeeva Jeeva Thanks for tagging @rich

Master Mentor

you need to manage services via Ambari UI http://hostname:8080 with user "admin" password "admin". Start services that way not through script. @Jeeva Jeeva

Rising Star

Hi Artem Ervits ,

Thanks for your reply.. I tried through ambari starting the services, but doesn't work...


Email me your public dns and I can take a look.

Master Mentor

@rich Please publish an article on the fix for future references.

Rising Star

Hi Rich,

Thanks for your reply, the public dns changes every time whenever i login to. If you are available now, i'll login to aws and send you the dns. Please let me know if you are available now. @rich


If you startup one of our practice exams and the cluster services are not running, here are some things to try first:

1. Run the script. You can watch the progress of this script in Ambari - it uses the Ambari REST API to start all HDP services.

2. Login to Ambari and try to start services that way

3. Restart the ambari-agent process on each node in the cluster (password for root is hadoop), then run again:

ssh root@namenode "ambari-agent restart"
ssh root@resourcemanager "ambari-agent restart"   # This only applies the HDPCA exam
ssh root@hiveserver "ambari-agent restart"	# This only applies to the HDPCA exam

If none of the steps above fix the issue, then it is likely an issue with the Docker containers not starting properly. Since you do not have root access on your practice exam, the quickest solution is to simply terminate your EC2 instance and startup another one.


Rising Star

Hi there,


@Guilherme Braccialli

I'm have scheduled my HDPCD exam next week. I couldn't practice exam in AWS since there are no services running except Ganglia and ZooKeeper. I tried the below commands, but no use.

ssh root@namenode

##password is: hadoop

service ambari-agent restartexit./

I even tried through ambari to start  the services, i can see the progress in green and ultimately ends with red color triangle. Please help me, so that i can practice the exam prior to my original one. I checked even if firewall status is turned off.If you're available, please try to login the instance and see the error. Thanks in advance... @rich