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deleteHDFS to remove empty folders within folders


I have a deleteHDFS after a getHDFS processor which removes files older than a certain time period. The getHDFS removes the file no problem, but what I have after is folders within folders that are empty, so I am using a deleteHDFS just after that, that uses the $path attribute - but I then need to specify the folder that contains that $path as I already told the getHDFS processor where to look to expire files - so I use a $custom_path attribute for where to look and add the $path variable to the deleteHDFS processor, but it only deletes the last folder. Is there a way to tell the deleteHDFS processor to delete the $path and keep the $custom_path? Currently in the deleteHDFS processor I have the Path set to: ${custom_path}/${path} and Recursive set to True.


Super Guru

@robnew ,


It would be easier if you could provide an example of what you're trying to explain.




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