I have a dataset of columns maker, model, mileage, manufacture_year, engine_displacement, engine_power, body_type, color_slug, skt_year, transmission, door_count, seat_count, fuel_type, date_created, date_last_seen, price_eur
And I need to drop the columns with more than 50% missing values so currently my code is
maker, model, mileage, manufacture_year, engine_displacement, engine_power, body_type, color_slug, skt_year, transmission, door_count, seat_count, fuel_type, date_created, date_last_seen, price_eur from used_cars where manufacture_year >=2000
and manufacture_year <= 2017 and price_eur >=3000
and price_eur <=2000000 and maker!='' and model!=''
and price_eur !=1295.34
How can I do this within my code?