I have a data flow where I want read data from HDFS and write it to the hive table.
My data flow:
1. GetHDFS
2. Split text ( split the file by 1 line, as each line is valid json string)
3. splitjson ( to read the requird josn object, in my case its is gyrodata)
4. evaluatejson ( to select the requird attributes from gyrodata json object)
Next step have done after following the this answer ( here)
5.update attribute ( where i am setting the values for "hiveql.args.N.type" and "hiveql.args.N.value") as shown below

6.replacetext processor to write the insert statement
"INSERT INTO TABLE gyroscope PARTITION(carbox_id ='Carboxtest') VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?, ?, ?);"
I tried the insert statement ending with semicolumn and without semicolumn but same error 😞

7. puthiveql processor with below error ':

please find below my complete flow :