Created 01-31-2018 03:30 PM
hi all
python script is a nice tool that Determining HDP Memory Configuration Settings
background -
I want to know about other tools that can help us to perform fine tuning to the ambari cluster
there are many other parameters that python isn't covered and need to set them according to the HW system
for example - yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores and many many others
please help us to know if there are other tools that can help us to give the right values for many aparmters and by this way we can set them in the ambari cluster
Created 01-31-2018 05:05 PM
These parameters are calculated by the stack advisor based on the host's memory and CPU info.
You can check the code in /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.2/services/ under recommendYARNConfigurations method
Created 01-31-2018 05:05 PM
These parameters are calculated by the stack advisor based on the host's memory and CPU info.
You can check the code in /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.2/services/ under recommendYARNConfigurations method
Created 01-31-2018 05:39 PM
Do you mean that the parameters are already calculated during amabri instalaltion or we can use this toll to set new update parameters?
Created 01-31-2018 06:04 PM
These are not calculated during ambari installation. These are calculated by the stack advisor which is called when we change any configuration and try to restart our service (or) for the first time when you add the service. Stack advisor populates the recommended configurations in the respective fields based on the system's resources.