Have 2 date pattern in our log file is
Sep 3 15:10:54 3Sep2007
-----Our Zookeeper parser file
<code> "parserConfig": {
"grokPath": "/patterns/checkpoint",
"patternLabel": "CUS_DELIMITED",
"timestampField": "start_time",
"timeFields": [
"dateFormat": "MMM dd HH:mm:ss"
---our Pattern File
CUS_DELIMITED %{CUS_TIME_FORMAT:start_time} %{IP:ip_src_addr} %{DATA:end_time}
Getting Error
Grok statement produced a null message. Original message was: Sep 3 15:10:54 3Sep2007.
If changed log date to 2018-06-28 00:00:00 and date format to "dateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" It works.
Please help. Kindly suggest us what is wrong here. Thanks in Advance to all members.