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New Contributor

while i executing the program i getting these error can anyone help me with that

[cloudera@quickstart ~]$ spark-shell --master yarn-client
Setting default log level to "WARN".
To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel).
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/lib/zookeeper/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/lib/flume-ng/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/lib/parquet/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/lib/avro/avro-tools-1.7.6-cdh5.13.0.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: See for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
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20/02/05 22:03:26 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
20/02/05 22:03:42 WARN shortcircuit.DomainSocketFactory: The short-circuit local reads feature cannot be used because libhadoop cannot be loaded.
Spark context available as sc (master = yarn-client, app id = application_1580968178673_0001).
SQL context available as sqlContext.


Master Mentor

Those are just warnings you can ignore them ... it should not be causing Job failure.

As we also see that the application_id "application_1580968178673_0001" is also generated ...
So you should be able to check the status of your Yarn application in ResourceManagr UI.



If your cluster has enough resources then you should see the progress as well for your application_id ...

View solution in original post


Master Mentor


Those are just WARNING messages. Where do you see the errors?

Can you please share more details if you are noticing any error?

Master Mentor

Those are just warnings you can ignore them ... it should not be causing Job failure.

As we also see that the application_id "application_1580968178673_0001" is also generated ...
So you should be able to check the status of your Yarn application in ResourceManagr UI.



If your cluster has enough resources then you should see the progress as well for your application_id ...