Created 06-28-2016 06:33 AM
I want to use a few jars for executing some hive queries. I can do this by adding those jars in the beeline session. But is there a way of doing it permanently by specifying the HIVE_AUX_JARS. If so how can i do it in ambari. Also do these jars need to be present in all the nodes of the cluster?
I am using ambari 2.2.1
Created 06-28-2016 06:54 AM
The jars need to be present on the Hiveserver machine. It is not necessary to have them on all the nodes.
You can refer to below link:
Thanks and Regards,
Created 06-28-2016 06:36 AM
@ARUNKUMAR RAMASAMY add a custom hive-site.xml properties with the name of hive.aux.jars.path if it is not available and add your jars file:///home/user/xyz.jar
Created 06-28-2016 06:54 AM
The jars need to be present on the Hiveserver machine. It is not necessary to have them on all the nodes.
You can refer to below link:
Thanks and Regards,