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hive doesnt display special charactere from writestream




I'm facing an issue with the display and storage of special charactere in hive.

I'm using spark for doing a WriteStream like this in Hive,



// Write result in hive
    val query = trimmedDF.writeStream
      .option("metastoreUri", metastoreUri)
      .option("database", "dwh_prod")
      .option("table", "res_idos_0")
      .option("checkpointLocation", "/tmp/idos_LVD_060420_0")
      .option("truncate", "false")
      .option("encoding", "UTF-8")




 but when I have a special charactere Hive doesn't display it. I have already fixe encoding UTF8 in the hive table :



select distinct(analyte) from res_idos_0;
|                  analyte                   |
| D02                                        |
| E                                          |
| E - Hauteur Int��rieure jupe - 6,75mm      |
| Hauteur totale                             |
| Long tube apparent (embout 408 assembl��)  |
| Side streaming - poids apr��s              |
| Tenue tube plongeur                        |
| 1 dose - poids avant                       |
| Diam��tre 1er joint de sertissage          |
| HDS - Saillie Point Mort Bas               |
| P - Epaisseur tourette P5 - 0,51mm         |




But if I display the data in console with writeStream the special chararacter are correctly display or if I use write fonction for write in hive like this:






The charactere are correctly display in hive



|                  analyte                  |
| 1 dose                                    |
| 1 dose (moyenne) - Kinf                   |
| 1 dose (écart type)                       |
| 1 dose - poids avant                      |
| 1 dose individuelle (maxi)                |
| 1,00mm                                    |
| 1,3,5-trioxane                            |



I use spark 2.3.2 an hive 3.1.0

Those anyone face this issue or have clue or a solution for me.


Thanks in advance,

Best Regards




after some researches i have find a solution to this issues. The problem was from the Hive table definition for storing data.

I was defining some properties of my table like this :

        .prop("escape.delim" , "\t")


But when we are in writeStream and we use special characters, the use of property escape.delim is note supported and we can't save characters correctly.


So, i have removed the property escape.delim in my hive table definition and i had also added this line in my code for being certain that file save in HDFS have the right encoding.

System.setProperty("file.encoding", "UTF-8")



View solution in original post




after some researches i have find a solution to this issues. The problem was from the Hive table definition for storing data.

I was defining some properties of my table like this :

        .prop("escape.delim" , "\t")


But when we are in writeStream and we use special characters, the use of property escape.delim is note supported and we can't save characters correctly.


So, i have removed the property escape.delim in my hive table definition and i had also added this line in my code for being certain that file save in HDFS have the right encoding.

System.setProperty("file.encoding", "UTF-8")