Created 06-15-2017 08:06 AM
I was using hive 1 with hive.server2.enable.doas=true. Now I want to use hive-interactive, but hive.server2.enable.doas has to be false apparently (that is what ambari says). This of course makes most of my queries break because of wrong permissions.
I am curious to know
Context: hdp 2.6 with hive and hive-interactive.
Created 06-15-2017 11:58 AM
you can set doas to true but it's advised not to for some reasons.
For example, when setting doAs to false then HS2 is able to share resources
you're encouraged to use Ranger instead of file-based permissions (SQL permissions are available and translated to Ranger rules when activated), it's more secure and you can even set permissions to a column level.
Created 06-15-2017 11:58 AM
you can set doas to true but it's advised not to for some reasons.
For example, when setting doAs to false then HS2 is able to share resources
you're encouraged to use Ranger instead of file-based permissions (SQL permissions are available and translated to Ranger rules when activated), it's more secure and you can even set permissions to a column level.
Created 01-05-2018 10:30 PM