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hive is unable to read multiple json data


Hi Team,

I am trying to load below json data into hive table(using hdp 2.6.5 sandbox) ,however hive is only returning the first row , please suggest.

{"user":{"userlocation":"Cinderford, Gloucestershire","id":230231618,"name":"Aimee","screenname":"Aimee_Cottle","geoenabled":true},"tweetmessage":"Gastroenteritis has pretty much killed me this week 😞 off work for a few days whilst I recover!","createddate":"2013-06-20T12:08:14","geolocation":null}

{"user":{"userlocation":"Garena ID : NuraBlazee","id":635239939,"name":"Axyraf.","screenname":"Asyraf_Fauzi","geoenabled":false},"tweetmessage":"RT @abhigyantweets: Can't stop a natural disaster but so many lives in U'khand wouldn't have been lost if there was disaster preparedness. É","createddate":"2013-06-20T12:08:16","geolocation":null}

{"user":{"userlocation":"Gemert,Netherlands","id":21418083,"name":"Ad van Steenbruggen","screenname":"torment00","geoenabled":true},"tweetmessage":"? Listening to 'The Constant' by 'Anthrax' from 'Worship Music","createddate":"2013-06-20T12:08:20","geolocation":null}

Table structure-:


CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tweets ( user STRUCT <userlocation:STRING,id:INT,name:STRING,screenname:STRING,geoenabled:BOOLEAN>, tweetmessage STRING, createddate STRING, geolocation STRING ) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' LOCATION '/user/hive/data/';


set hive.cli.print.header=true; hive> select user.screenname,,tweetmessage,createddate from tweets ; OK

Aimee_Cottle Aimee Gastroenteritis has pretty much killed me this week 😞 off work for a few days whilst I re cover! 2013-06-20T12:08:14

Kindly let me know , is there any way my query can fetch all the rows from the source

Thanks in Advance



Master Guru

@Jatinmaya Choudhury

Not able to recreate the same scenario on my end.

Here is what I have tried is:

Json file:

{"user":{"userlocation":"Cinderford, Gloucestershire","id":230231618,"name":"Aimee","screenname":"Aimee_Cottle","geoenabled":true},"tweetmessage":"Gastroenteritis has pretty much killed me this week 😞 off work for a few days whilst I recover!","createddate":"2013-06-20T12:08:14","geolocation":null}
{"user":{"userlocation":"Garena ID : NuraBlazee","id":635239939,"name":"Axyraf.","screenname":"Asyraf_Fauzi","geoenabled":false},"tweetmessage":"RT @abhigyantweets: Can't stop a natural disaster but so many lives in U'khand wouldn't have been lost if there was disaster preparedness. É","createddate":"2013-06-20T12:08:16","geolocation":null}
{"user":{"userlocation":"Gemert,Netherlands","id":21418083,"name":"Ad van Steenbruggen","screenname":"torment00","geoenabled":true},"tweetmessage":"? Listening to 'The Constant' by 'Anthrax' from 'Worship Music","createddate":"2013-06-20T12:08:20","geolocation":null}


Create external table tweets(
`user` struct<userlocation:string,id:string,name:string,screenname:string,geoenabled:string>,tweetmessage string,createddate string,geolocation string)
ROW FORMAT SERDE '' LOCATION '/user/hive/data/';
hive> select * from tweets;
|                                                               user                                                               |                                                                 tweetmessage                                                                  |     createddate      | geolocation  |
| {"userlocation":"Cinderford, Gloucestershire","id":"230231618","name":"Aimee","screenname":"Aimee_Cottle","geoenabled":"true"}   | Gastroenteritis has pretty much killed me this week 😞 off work for a few days whilst I recover!                                              | 2013-06-20T12:08:14  | NULL         |
| {"userlocation":"Garena ID : NuraBlazee","id":"635239939","name":"Axyraf.","screenname":"Asyraf_Fauzi","geoenabled":"false"}     | RT @abhigyantweets: Can't stop a natural disaster but so many lives in U'khand wouldn't have been lost if there was disaster preparedness. É  | 2013-06-20T12:08:16  | NULL         |
| {"userlocation":"Gemert,Netherlands","id":"21418083","name":"Ad van Steenbruggen","screenname":"torment00","geoenabled":"true"}  | ? Listening to 'The Constant' by 'Anthrax' from 'Worship Music                                                                                | 2013-06-20T12:08:20  | NULL         |

Selecting specific field:

select `user`.userlocation from tweets;
|         userlocation         |
| Cinderford, Gloucestershire  |
| Garena ID : NuraBlazee       |
| Gemert,Netherlands           |

As I'm able to get all the three rows data, Once try with the above hive ddl statement and check are u able to get the data or not.


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Hi Shu,

Thank you for your reply , I have copy and pasted your inputs and ddls ,however I am still getting the same 1 row count. I am using the HDP 2.6.5 sandbox.

root@sandbox-hdp data]# sandbox-version                                                                          
== Sandbox Information ==                                                                                         
Platform: hdp-security                                                                                            
Build date: 06-18-2018                                                                                            
Ambari version:                                                                                       
Hadoop version: Hadoop                                                                          
OS: CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)                                                                          

I have no clue ,why this is happening.



Are you using the same sandbox as me ?