Created 01-05-2016 11:25 AM
In HDP- version , query in hive view , throw error " S020 Data storage error ". I check ambari server log, it show
exception ( ambari.DS_JOBIMPL_8 not exist) ,how to fix it ?
05 Jan 2016 18:25:20,091 ERROR [qtp-client-148092] DataStoreImpl:647 - Caught exception trying to store view entity Local Exception Stack: Exception [EclipseLink-4002] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.5.2.v20140319-9ad6abd): org.eclipse.persist: ence.exceptions.DatabaseException Internal Exception: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'ambari.DS_JOBIMPL_8' doesn't exist Error Code: 1146 Call: SELECT DS_id, DS_applicationId, DS_confFile, DS_dagId, DS_dagName, DS_dataBase, DS_dateSubmitted, DS_duration, DS_forcedContent, DS_globalSettings, DS_logFile, DS_owner, DS_queryFile, DS_queryId, DS_referrer, DS_sessionTag, DS_sqlState, DS_status, DS_statusDir, DS_statusMessage, DS_title FROM DS_JOBIMPL_8 WHERE (DS_id = ?) bind => [1 parameter bound] Query: ReadObjectQuery(name="readDS_JobImpl_8" referenceClass=DS_JobImpl_8 sql="SELECT DS_id, DS_applicationId, DS_confFile, DS_dagId, DS_dagName, DS_dataBase, DS_dateSubmitted, DS_duration, DS_forcedContent, DS_globalSettings, DS_logFile, DS_owner, DS_queryFile, DS_queryId, DS_referrer, DS_sessionTag, DS_sqlState, DS_status, DS_statusDir, DS_statusMessage, DS_title FROM DS_JOBIMPL_8 WHERE (DS_id = ?)") at org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException.sqlException( at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.basicExecuteCall( at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseAccessor.executeCall( at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession.basicExecuteCall( at org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession.executeCall( at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.DatasourceCallQueryMechanism.executeCall( at org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.DatasourceCallQueryMechanism.executeCall(
Created 01-06-2016 02:23 AM
I encountered the same issue before. The below resolved it
ROOT CAUSE: This is a limitation with the Mysql DB itself with varchar accounting to more than 75000 maximum row size where as the mysql DB can accept only 65535 as its max value.
SOLUTION: Re-create table in the MySql Ambari db by running the below and then retrying the query in Hive view
CREATE TABLE DS_JOBIMPL_2 ( ds_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ds_applicationid TEXT, ds_conffile TEXT, ds_dagid TEXT, ds_dagname TEXT, ds_database TEXT, ds_datesubmitted BIGINT, ds_duration BIGINT, ds_forcedcontent TEXT, ds_globalsettings TEXT, ds_logfile TEXT, ds_owner TEXT, ds_queryfile TEXT, ds_queryid TEXT, ds_referrer TEXT, ds_sessiontag TEXT, ds_sqlstate TEXT, ds_status TEXT, ds_statusdir TEXT, ds_statusmessage TEXT, ds_title TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (ds_id) )
Created 01-06-2016 02:23 AM
I encountered the same issue before. The below resolved it
ROOT CAUSE: This is a limitation with the Mysql DB itself with varchar accounting to more than 75000 maximum row size where as the mysql DB can accept only 65535 as its max value.
SOLUTION: Re-create table in the MySql Ambari db by running the below and then retrying the query in Hive view
CREATE TABLE DS_JOBIMPL_2 ( ds_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ds_applicationid TEXT, ds_conffile TEXT, ds_dagid TEXT, ds_dagname TEXT, ds_database TEXT, ds_datesubmitted BIGINT, ds_duration BIGINT, ds_forcedcontent TEXT, ds_globalsettings TEXT, ds_logfile TEXT, ds_owner TEXT, ds_queryfile TEXT, ds_queryid TEXT, ds_referrer TEXT, ds_sessiontag TEXT, ds_sqlstate TEXT, ds_status TEXT, ds_statusdir TEXT, ds_statusmessage TEXT, ds_title TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (ds_id) )
Created 01-11-2016 12:33 PM
right you are!
Created 08-16-2017 11:47 AM
For people having a similar issue with ambariserver.DS_JOBIMPL_4:
CREATE TABLE ambariserver.DS_JOBIMPL_4 ( DS_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, S_applicationId TEXT, DS_confFile TEXT, DS_dagId TEXT, DS_dagName TEXT, DS_dataBase TEXT, DS_dateSubmitted BIGINT, DS_duration BIGINT, DS_forcedContent TEXT, DS_globalSettings TEXT, DS_guid TEXT, DS_hiveQueryId TEXT, DS_logFile TEXT, DS_owner TEXT, DS_queryFile TEXT, DS_queryId TEXT, DS_referrer TEXT, DS_sessionTag TEXT, DS_sqlState TEXT, DS_status TEXT, DS_statusDir TEXT, DS_statusMessage TEXT, DS_title TEXT, DS_applicationId TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (ds_id)); <br>