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hive view not exploring default databases ?


As i am installed hadoop using hdp on ec2 amazon cloud.

architecture is :

1 node on which ambari server is installed

2 master nodes

3 data nodes

So i have total 6 machines in the cluster. But when i open the hive view on my browser some syntax error is shown and hive default databases were not open. I also configure all the views according to the hortonworks documents. Please help me. I have also attached the screenshot of error.


Master Guru

Hi @Rupinder Singh, and welcome to HCC!

We need more details to help you with your Hive view: Can you click on one of those "Syntax error" lines and attach the screenshot together with the screenshot of you Hive view settings. Also, can you tell us: Your version of HDP and Ambari, are you using Namenode HA, and your Hive port and Hive transport (binary or http). And by the way, can you list default Hive db from the command line? Tnx.

View solution in original post


Master Guru

Hi @Rupinder Singh, and welcome to HCC!

We need more details to help you with your Hive view: Can you click on one of those "Syntax error" lines and attach the screenshot together with the screenshot of you Hive view settings. Also, can you tell us: Your version of HDP and Ambari, are you using Namenode HA, and your Hive port and Hive transport (binary or http). And by the way, can you list default Hive db from the command line? Tnx.


thanks @Predrag minovic for replying

Here i find one more issue as i unable to login into hive from terminal as ec2-user or root



Syntax error is simple text and have no link

I also uploaded the hive view settings screenshot here



My hdp version is 2.3 and ambari version is 2.1 or 2.2

hive server2 port =10000

hive.server2.transport.mode = binary

Master Guru

Okay, as root do this

su -l hdfs -c "hdfs dfs -chown -R ec2-user:hdfs /user/ec2-user"

And retry first from cmdline as ec2-user, and if it works try the view again, logging to Ambari as ec2-user.

Edit: Sorry, I forgot "-c". The problem is that ec2-user doesn't have permissions to his home directory in hdfs.

Master Mentor

@Rupinder Singh

Try starting the Database and retry but the info you gave doesn't help much in the diagnosis !


Hello Rupinder,

It seems a permission issue on your home dir in hdfs. So change the owner to yourself and then try.

$ sudo su - hdfs

$ hadoop fs -chown ec2-user:hdfs /user/ec2-user

If still you face issue please paste logs/error here.

Master Mentor

@Rupinder Singh Adding to this

sudo su - hdfs

hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/root

hdfs dfs -chown -R root:hdfs /user/root