Created 02-17-2016 04:09 PM
Since Apache Drill not supported as of now, i need to find out the way to call web-service
Created 02-17-2016 04:13 PM
So you want to read/write files in HDFS?
This is what webhdfs is for:
Created 02-17-2016 04:10 PM
WebHCat # this will execute a hive query and save result to hdfs file in your home directory called output curl -s -d execute="select+*+from+sample_08;" \ -d statusdir="output" \ 'http://localhost:50111/templeton/v1/hive?' # if you ls on the directory, it will have two files, stderr and stdout hdfs dfs -ls output # if the job succeeded, you can cat the stdout file and view the results hdfs dfs -cat output/stdout WebHDFS # list the output directory, notice the webhdfs port curl -i "" # read the output file curl -i -L "" # rename a file, if you get dr. who error, add & or any other user in the context curl -i -X PUT "" # read the output of the new file curl -i -L ""
Created 02-17-2016 04:15 PM
Thanks Artem, but I may have to use SOAP/REST from another client to read or write the data into HDFS... so any idea about that?
Created 02-17-2016 04:20 PM
you can use the hdfs java api and wrap your rest code? @Balaji Bobba
Created 02-17-2016 04:26 PM
Thanks, this may work I will look into this.
Created 02-17-2016 04:27 PM
@Balaji Bobba you're welcome, try it out and post your solution.
Created 02-17-2016 04:13 PM
So you want to read/write files in HDFS?
This is what webhdfs is for:
Created 02-17-2016 04:25 PM
Thanks Benjamin, I will look into this.