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read/write hdfs files with standalone python script




I have some python standalone files, which acces data through the common command:

with open("filename") as f:
   for lines in f:


I want make the python scripts able to run, without changing too much of the code and without dependencies, if possible. Right now I start the files as spark-programms in the Workflow in HUE.

Are there built-in packages I can use? I tried to import pydoop and hdfs, but they didnt exist.


My goal is to make these scripts run and be able to read/write files on the HDFS.


Thanks for the help.


Expert Contributor

Hello Creaping,

As HDFS is not a standard unix filesystem, it is not possible to read it with native python IO libraries. As HDFS is open-source, there are plenty of connectors out there. You can also acces HDFS via HttpFS on a REST interface.

In case you'd like to parse large amount of data, none of that will be suitable, as the script itself still runs on a single computer. To solve that, you can use pyspark to rewrite your script and use the spark-provided utils to manipulate data. This'll solve both HDFS access and the distribution of the workload for you.


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Expert Contributor

Hello Creaping,

As HDFS is not a standard unix filesystem, it is not possible to read it with native python IO libraries. As HDFS is open-source, there are plenty of connectors out there. You can also acces HDFS via HttpFS on a REST interface.

In case you'd like to parse large amount of data, none of that will be suitable, as the script itself still runs on a single computer. To solve that, you can use pyspark to rewrite your script and use the spark-provided utils to manipulate data. This'll solve both HDFS access and the distribution of the workload for you.



Hello Zsolt,


thanks for the reply. The problem was, that I don't have the permissions to install python packages like pydoop.

I was not sure if there is a native way, but I will ask the sysadmin to install some packages.