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how to implement and deploying our own sqoop framework to connect databases dynamically(reusing same framework for importing and exporting data from /to different databases like oracle,casandra,mysql etc)

In below command each and every job i have to mentioned connection,username,password,driver i need dynamically change when we change the database connection

i need to use same job for other SQL databases or NOSQL databases

without creation new job only i have passing the parameters in the sqoop job (parameter are connection,driver connection,username,target directory)

sqoop job --create incjob12 --import--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --username it1 --password hadoop --table st1 --incremental lastmodified -check-column ts --target-dir sqin -m 1 --merge-key id

what all the thing i highlighted above i have to enter dynamically parameters to connect different databases

please share me how to create sqoop framework by passing our own parameters

please suggest me how to complete this frame work to connect different client connectors

today i need to complete this task please suggest me

thanks in advance




I am not sure exactly what your requirements are, but here goes...

1. You can set these parameters as OS environment variables for each of your db connections. For example, MYSQL_CONN=xx, MYSQL_DRIVER=xx, MYSQL_UU=xx, MYSQL_PWD=xx, MYSQL_TARGDIR=xx, ORA_CONN=xx, ORA_DRIVER=xx, ORA_UU=xx, etc.

Set these by using the export command, eg. export MYSQL_CONN=xx

Then you simply call the db params you want on the command line, eg.

sqoop job --create incjob12 --import--connect $MYSQL_CONN --driver $MYSQL_DRIVER --username $MYSQL_UU --password $MYSQL_PWD  ...

2. You can do the same thing but with all params related to a db set as a single OS environment variable. Eg.

set $MYSQL="--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --username it1 --password hadoop"

and then run your sqoop job as

sqoop job --create incjob12 --import "$MYSQL" --table st1 --incremental lastmodified -check-column ts --target-dirsqin -m 1 --merge-key id

Note the quotes in both setting and invoking the OS environment variable MYSQL. This is because there are spaces in the value.

If I am not understanding your requirements, let me know.

View solution in original post



I am not sure exactly what your requirements are, but here goes...

1. You can set these parameters as OS environment variables for each of your db connections. For example, MYSQL_CONN=xx, MYSQL_DRIVER=xx, MYSQL_UU=xx, MYSQL_PWD=xx, MYSQL_TARGDIR=xx, ORA_CONN=xx, ORA_DRIVER=xx, ORA_UU=xx, etc.

Set these by using the export command, eg. export MYSQL_CONN=xx

Then you simply call the db params you want on the command line, eg.

sqoop job --create incjob12 --import--connect $MYSQL_CONN --driver $MYSQL_DRIVER --username $MYSQL_UU --password $MYSQL_PWD  ...

2. You can do the same thing but with all params related to a db set as a single OS environment variable. Eg.

set $MYSQL="--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --username it1 --password hadoop"

and then run your sqoop job as

sqoop job --create incjob12 --import "$MYSQL" --table st1 --incremental lastmodified -check-column ts --target-dirsqin -m 1 --merge-key id

Note the quotes in both setting and invoking the OS environment variable MYSQL. This is because there are spaces in the value.

If I am not understanding your requirements, let me know.


thanks for giving reply

1. but i need to call dynamically this following parameter for oracle/sql means

"--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/test --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --username it1 --password hadoop" can i able to get the input from the user as like entering the details in the pop up box or as a input parameter

2. also if i has ten tables(t1,t2,t3,...t10) but i need to load only t1, t3, t5, t6, t10 table alone , is their any possibilities to do this

Thanks in advance...


[answer #2]

In this case I would put your sqoop command in a shell script and then pass parameters to that. It is similar to the question above, but everyone uses the same shell script but passes different parameters to it, which are picked up by the sqoop command text in the script.


Script name:

To run script:

./   "$MYSQL"  st1  ts  sqi 

Script body:

sqoop job --create incjob12 --import ${1} --table ${2} --incremental lastmodified -check-column ${3} --target-dir ${4} -m 1 --merge-key id

For more on shell scripting and passing parameters:


thank u greg

but i am not clear about this, if i has ten tables(t1,t2,t3,...t10) but i need to load only t1, t3, t5, t6, t10 table alone from a single script, is their any possibilities to do this

Thanks in advance...


i did the same what u mention

first created the one script vi


MYSQL ="--connect jdbc:mysql://xxxxxx/sama --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --username root"

export MYSQL


then created the vi


sqoop import "$MYSQL" --table st1 --target-dir /tmp/sample222 -m 1

and running the ./ but it shows the folowing error


please tell how to solve this pblm

thanks in advance


@swathi thukkaraju I have made a minor correction to my code example above. Each input param in the must be ${1}, ${2} etc instead of $1, $2 etc.

So, use

sqoop job --create incjob12 --import ${1} --table ${2} --incremental lastmodified -check-column ${3} --target-dir ${4} --m 1--merge-key id

and be sure to pass in "$MYSQL" in quotes because the value has spaces in it.

(I just tested this and it works)


how to remove password while executing sqoop job ????


@swathi thukkaraju

Try using the option --password-file to remove the possibility of entering / exposing the password. Below is the link for creating the password file (link)