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how to re-create the fsimage_xxxxxxx files on namenode


we have two namenode machines ( are part of HDP cluster in ambari )

because electricity failure , we notices about the following

on one name node we see that fsimage_xxxx files are missing
while on the second namenode they are exists

is it possible to re-create them on the faulty name node

example on the bad node

ls /hadoop/hdfs/namenode/current | grep fsimage_

no output

on the good namenode

ls /hadoop/hdfs/namenode/current | grep fsimage_

the status for now is that name-node service not startup successfully from ambari

and the logs from the faulty name-node say like this:


ERROR namenode.NameNode ( - Failed to start namenode. No valid image files found


Master Mentor


Are all the namenodes non-funtional?  If you have one healthy namenode then there is a way out.


Please revert.



the second name node have the fsimage files , 

but from ambari the second namenode not appears as standby/active is just up 


Master Mentor



Yeah, but once you bootstrap the zookeeper election will kick in and one will become the active namenode.


It's late here I need to document the process though  I have uploaded it once in HCC, I need to redact  some information, I could do that tomorrow meanwhile can you backup on both the dead and working namenode the following directory zip all content and copy it to some safe directory 




Please revert


sure we can backup both folders in tar file

but what is your suggestion on the node without the fsimage files?


Master Mentor


Guess what the copies on the working node should do ! remember files on both nodes directories are identical in an HA setup 🙂 



you means the files /hadoop/hdfs/namenode/current/fsimage_* should be the same on both nodes exactly ? 


in this case its easy to copy from the good namenode to the bad namenode and restart the bad namenode

let me know if this is the procedure?


Master Mentor



In an HA Cluster, the Standby and Active namenodes have shared storage managed by the journal node service. HA relies on a failover scenario to swap from StandBy to Active Namenode and as any other system in Hadoop it uses zookeepers.

So first thing 3 Zookeepers 3 MUST be online to avoid split-brain-decision, below are the steps to follow

On the Active Namenode

Run the cat commande against the last-promised-epoch in the same directory as edits_inprogress_000....
# cat last-promised-epoch
31 [example output]

On the standby Namenode

# cat last-promised-epoch
23 [example output]

From the above, you will see that the standby had a lag when the power went off. In your case, you should overwrite the one lagging on the standby after backing up as you already did hoping the Namenode has not been put back online if so do a fresh back before you proceed.



Fix the corrupted JN's edits?

Instructions to fix that one journal node.
1) Put both NN in safemode ( NN HA)

$ hdfs dfsadmin -safemode enter

Safe mode is ON in Namenode1:8020
Safe mode is ON in Namenode2:8020

2) Save Namespace

$ hdfs dfsadmin -saveNamespace

Save namespace successful for Namenode1:8020
Save namespace successful for Namenode2:8020

3) zip / tar the journal dir from a working JN node and copy it to the non-working JN node to failed node in the same path as the active make sure the file permissions are correct


4) Restart HDFS

In your case you can start only one Namenode first it will be designated  automatically as the active namenode, once it up and running that is fine, the NameNode failover should now occur transparently and the below alerts should gradually disappear


Stop and restart the journal nodes

This will trigger the syncing of the journalnodes, If you wait for a while you should see your Namenodes up and running all "green"

# su -l hdfs -c "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-journalnode/../hadoop/sbin/ stop journalnode"

# su -l hdfs -c "/usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-journalnode/../hadoop/sbin/ start journalnode"


Start the  standby name node


After a while, things should be in order


Please let me know





lets say on the faulty namenode we see only the following:


under - /hadoop/hdfs/journal/hdfsha/current



-rw-r--r-- 1 hdfs hadoop 155 Nov 13 00:50 VERSION
-rw-r--r-- 1 hdfs hadoop 3 Nov 14 21:24 last-promised-epoch
drwxr-xr-x 2 hdfs hadoop 4096 Nov 14 21:24 paxos
-rw-r--r-- 1 hdfs hadoop 3 Nov 14 21:24 last-writer-epoch
-rw-r--r-- 1 hdfs hadoop 8 Nov 14 23:16 committed-txid


as you know usually we have also the files like - 



is this scenario change the picture? 



Master Mentor


Sorry I just saw your response while checking my backlog you didn't tag me with @  that expalins why I wasn't notified.

That's weird in fact the files you backed should be copied to this faulty node, which is the source of the problems. So thing/process MUST have deleted those files


Then follow the steps I laid out .