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how to upgrade hive


present im using hive 1.4 but i want upgrade hive 1.4 to 2.0 . so please explain how to upgrade step by step and without effecting data.


Master Guru

If you use a distribution like HDP you cannot individually upgrade a component. They are tested and supported together. So if you want a newer version of Hive you would need to upgrade the whole distribution. HDP 2.5 will have a technical preview of Hive 2.0 for example.

If you don't care about support then good luck. You can just try to install Hive manually. The problem is that you will need to upgrade Tez manually as well. The website will have instructions on getting it to run under "builds".

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Master Guru

If you use a distribution like HDP you cannot individually upgrade a component. They are tested and supported together. So if you want a newer version of Hive you would need to upgrade the whole distribution. HDP 2.5 will have a technical preview of Hive 2.0 for example.

If you don't care about support then good luck. You can just try to install Hive manually. The problem is that you will need to upgrade Tez manually as well. The website will have instructions on getting it to run under "builds".


Thanks Benjamin Leonhardi