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iceberg load data with hive

New Contributor


I want to know if its possible to use the LOAD DATA INPATH to load parquet files into an external iceberg table? 

right now I am getting the following error: 
Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10101]: A non-native table cannot be used as target for LOAD   

does hive support LOAD DATA INPATH with Iceberg tables?

New Contributor

going to answer myself. 

as of hive3, its not yet possible to directly bulk load external datasets (e.g. parquet / orc) files. so its necessary to do the following. 
create temporary managed hive table
LOAD DATA INPATH the parquet / orc / csv into the temporary managed hive table
create external table as iceberg. 
Select * and copy into the external iceberg table

this has worked with the following iceberg features. 
write, append, time-travel

View solution in original post


New Contributor

going to answer myself. 

as of hive3, its not yet possible to directly bulk load external datasets (e.g. parquet / orc) files. so its necessary to do the following. 
create temporary managed hive table
LOAD DATA INPATH the parquet / orc / csv into the temporary managed hive table
create external table as iceberg. 
Select * and copy into the external iceberg table

this has worked with the following iceberg features. 
write, append, time-travel