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is there a way to setup Phoenix with Knox in HDP 2.3.4?

Master Mentor

I know Phoenix is 4.4.0 and I see a jira referencing support for Knox in Calcite, how would I be able to leverage that to setup Phoenix with Know now or is that built into the upcoming releases?


Super Guru

To my understanding, CALCITE-1025 does provide what's necessary for Avatica to work with Knox (based on some earlier conversations with Knox folks), but there are two missing things still. Phoenix 4.8 was also just updated to use a version of Avatica which contains CALCITE-1025.

  1. Configuration in Phoenix to set the username:password "database" (properties file for Jetty) that Avatica is expecting
  2. Actual testing with Knox

I think we're close, but it's definitely not going to work out of the box right now.

View solution in original post


Master Mentor

tagging @Josh Elser

Master Mentor

Super Guru

To my understanding, CALCITE-1025 does provide what's necessary for Avatica to work with Knox (based on some earlier conversations with Knox folks), but there are two missing things still. Phoenix 4.8 was also just updated to use a version of Avatica which contains CALCITE-1025.

  1. Configuration in Phoenix to set the username:password "database" (properties file for Jetty) that Avatica is expecting
  2. Actual testing with Knox

I think we're close, but it's definitely not going to work out of the box right now.