Created 05-13-2018 11:12 AM
hi all
we have hadoop cluster version - 2.6.4 , and separate kafka machines ( 3 kafka machines )
on of the kafka machines ( kafka03 ) is restarting all the time and in some time could be stooped
from netstat we can see that kafka cant listening to port 6667
we check the /var/log/kafka.err file , but this file is empty after we clean it by cp /dev/null /var/log/kafka.err
and start the kafka broker to see if any info will comes to /var/log/kafka.err
any other ideas how to understand why kafka machine not listening to port 6667? is the IP of kafka03 server is the IP of kafka01 server
netstat -tnlpa | grep 6667 tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 94962/java tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 94962/java tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 94962/java netstat -tnlpa | grep 6667 tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 94962/java tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 94962/java
Created 05-13-2018 02:05 PM
What is the IP of the kafka02?
Create directories
Create data and log directories for ZooKeeper and Kafka. To simplify this process we can add the directories within the user home directory.
In a production environment, we would use different locations, e.g. separate mount points or physical disks for data and log directories.
$ mkdir -p /home/kafka/zookeeper/data $ mkdir -p /home/kafka/kafka/kafka-logs
ZooKeeper configuration for embedded
Set the value to point to the new ZooKeeper directory created above.
At the end of this file add all available ZooKeeper servers.
server.1=kafka01:2888:3888 server.2=kafka02:2888:3888 server.3=kafka03:2888:3888
Each in your cluster nodes needs a unique server id. ZooKeeper looks up this information from the following file in my case: /home/kafka/zookeeper/data/myid. You will have to execute a command like this on each server - using a different value for each instance. For instance 1 on server kafka01 we use the value "1".
$ echo "1" > /home/kafka/zookeeper/data/myid
Each Kafka cluster node needs a unique id. We have to find the property in the configuration files and change the id for each server.
Make sure you have a unique id for your all your brokers ie 1,2 ,3
Did you change the log directory location specified in the log.dirs parameter?
Update the listeners and advertised.listeners properties with the current Kafka node hostname.
listeners=PLAINTEXT://kafka01:9092 advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT://kafka01:9092
Next step is to tell Kafka which ZooKeeper nodes can be used to connect to.
Hope that helps you resolve the reboot problem
Created 05-13-2018 03:11 PM
@Geoffrey just note - the machine isnt rebooted ! , kafka broker is restating - its means that from ambari GUI you can see that kafka broker is up / down and finnaly down , but kafka linux machine stay up without reboot
Created 05-13-2018 03:12 PM
Yes I understand there should be some conflict in the config, that's the reason I want you to validate the above parameters.
Created 05-13-2018 03:20 PM
@Geoffrey thank you I will verify this in the next days , and I will update , this is very strange because this happens only on one kafka , while other two kafka's machine are ok
Created 05-13-2018 06:29 PM
You may want to check the logs(server.log) when kafka process stops before changing any existing configs.