Created on 05-11-2020 06:13 AM - last edited on 05-11-2020 07:35 AM by cjervis
As all know when is need to print the kafka broker id’s we can use the following cli zoo_server1:2181 <<< "ls /brokers/ids"
this cli print the following
WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
[1018, 1017, 1016]
Its means that we have kafka with id’s
But our kafka names are
So how to know which kafka broker id ( 1018 , 1017 , 1016 ) is belong to the real host ( Kafka_confluent01 / Kafka_confluent02 / Kafka_confluent03 )
Created 06-02-2020 06:22 PM
Hello @mike_bronson7 ,
Thank you for posting your query
You can execute 'get' on the same zookeeper client shell for the znode you would be able to get the hostname
Example: zoo_server1:2181 <<< "ls /brokers/ids/1018"
It returns output as follows (example - in my case)
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 5] get /brokers/ids/10
cZxid = 0x1619b
ctime = Tue May 26 09:54:26 PDT 2020
mZxid = 0x1619b
mtime = Tue May 26 09:54:26 PDT 2020
pZxid = 0x1619b
cversion = 0
dataVersion = 1
aclVersion = 0
ephemeralOwner = 0x1722ddb1e844d50
dataLength = 238
numChildren = 0
so, my brokerID 10 is mapped with the host:
Created 06-02-2020 06:22 PM
Hello @mike_bronson7 ,
Thank you for posting your query
You can execute 'get' on the same zookeeper client shell for the znode you would be able to get the hostname
Example: zoo_server1:2181 <<< "ls /brokers/ids/1018"
It returns output as follows (example - in my case)
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 5] get /brokers/ids/10
cZxid = 0x1619b
ctime = Tue May 26 09:54:26 PDT 2020
mZxid = 0x1619b
mtime = Tue May 26 09:54:26 PDT 2020
pZxid = 0x1619b
cversion = 0
dataVersion = 1
aclVersion = 0
ephemeralOwner = 0x1722ddb1e844d50
dataLength = 238
numChildren = 0
so, my brokerID 10 is mapped with the host: