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nifi issue accessing UI after activating kerberos with ranger on HDP3.1 with mpack



We have installed a secured hdp 3.1 cluster on Centos 7.5.

Then we installed mpack in order to add a nifi single node.

The unsecure version worked correctly (at least it displayed the ui correctly ) but upon activating ssl ( with auto generated certificate ) and activating kerberos for authentification, when connecting, we got the following error :

Cannot replicate request to Node my_nifi_FDQN_node:9090 because the node is not connected

This is strange because we use the secure version and connect to nifi via https://my_nifi_FDQN_node:9091/nifi/ and it should not try to connect to 9090.

In nifi-user.log, we can see :

2019-02-22 11:19:10,767 INFO [NiFi Web Server-21] o.a.n.w.s.NiFiAuthenticationFilter Authentication success for my_ldap_user
2019-02-22 11:19:10,772 INFO [NiFi Web Server-21] o.a.n.w.a.c.IllegalClusterStateExceptionMapper org.apache.nifi.cluster.manager.exception.IllegalClusterStateException: Cannot replicate request to Node my_nifi_FDQN_node:9090 because the node is not connected. Returning Conflict response.

I don't know if it has something to do with it but I also got the following audit-log error in the nifi-app.log

2019-02-22 11:19:08,991 INFO [Clustering Tasks Thread-1] o.a.n.c.c.ClusterProtocolHeartbeater Heartbeat created at 2019-02-22 11:19:08,861 and sent to my_nifi_FDQN_node:9088 at 2019-02-22 11:19:08,991; send took 130 millis
2019-02-22 11:19:11,865 INFO [org.apache.ranger.audit.queue.AuditBatchQueue0] o.a.r.audit.provider.BaseAuditHandler Audit Status Log: name=nifi.async.batch.hdfs, interval=11:42.021 minutes, events=1, deferredCount=1, totalEvents=5, totalDeferredCount=5
2019-02-22 11:19:11,866 INFO [org.apache.ranger.audit.queue.AuditBatchQueue0] o.a.r.a.destination.HDFSAuditDestination Returning HDFS Filesystem Config: Configuration: core-default.xml, core-site.xml, mapred-default.xml, mapred-site.xml, yarn-default.xml, yarn-site.xml, hdfs-default.xml, hdfs-site.xml
2019-02-22 11:19:11,879 INFO [org.apache.ranger.audit.queue.AuditBatchQueue0] o.a.r.a.destination.HDFSAuditDestination Checking whether log file exists. hdfPath=hdfs://my_master_node:8020/ranger/audit/nifi/20190222/nifi_ranger_audit_my_nifi_FDQN_node.log, UGI=nifi/_HOST@REALM (auth:KERBEROS)
2019-02-22 11:19:11,887 ERROR [org.apache.ranger.audit.queue.AuditBatchQueue0] o.a.r.audit.provider.BaseAuditHandler Error writing to log file. DestHost:destPort my_master_node:8020 , LocalHost:localPort my_nifi_FDQN_node/my_nifi_IP_node:0. Failed on local exception: Couldn't set up IO streams: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to specify server's Kerberos principal name
2019-02-22 11:19:11,887 INFO [org.apache.ranger.audit.queue.AuditBatchQueue0] o.a.r.a.destination.HDFSAuditDestination Flushing HDFS audit. Event Size:1
2019-02-22 11:19:11,887 WARN [org.apache.ranger.audit.queue.AuditBatchQueue0] o.a.r.audit.provider.BaseAuditHandler failed to log audit event: {"repoType":10,"repo":"datalake_prod_nifi","reqUser":"XXXX","evtTime":"2019-02-22 11:19:10.770","access":"READ","resource":"/flow","resType":"nifi-resource","action":"READ","result":1,"policy":18,"enforcer":"ranger-acl","cliIP":"client_ip","agentHost":"my_nifi_FDQN_node","logType":"RangerAudit","id":"cf2fd979-945c-4461-a1df-c40c42defdd1-5","seq_num":11,"event_count":1,"event_dur_ms":0,"tags":[]}, errorMessage=
2019-02-22 11:19:11,887 WARN [org.apache.ranger.audit.queue.AuditBatchQueue0] o.a.r.audit.provider.BaseAuditHandler Log failure count: 1 in past 11:42.022 minutes; 6 during process lifetime

Nifi is very new to me so I'm not sure what information to look for.





Found out that there was a snapshot file hanging around with a reference to the old unsecure URL.

I've deleted the /var/lib/nifi/state/local/snapshot file and I nearly works. got an authorization error but some ranger tuning will overcomes it.


View solution in original post




Found out that there was a snapshot file hanging around with a reference to the old unsecure URL.

I've deleted the /var/lib/nifi/state/local/snapshot file and I nearly works. got an authorization error but some ranger tuning will overcomes it.


New Contributor

I've this error after rollback from SSL config
"nifi Cannot replicate request to Node because the node is not connected"

It's Work.
