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odbc ssis hive failing

New Contributor



IM TRYing to refresh automatically via ssis package a cube ssas tabular which is connected to hive via ODBC cloudera latest driver. 

When I´m manually processing my cube It works without any problems , but when I´m using SSIS to automate the process I have this error message (It worked in ssis fine just this 4 days I have  this problem)




Analysis Services Execute DDL Task] Error: The JSON DDL request failed with the following error: Failed to save modifications to the server. Error returned: 'OLE DB or ODBC error: [DataSource.Error] ODBC: ERROR [HY000] [Cloudera][ThriftExtension] (14) Unexpected response from server during a HTTP connection: SSL_read: errno = 9. ERROR [HY000] [Cloudera][ThriftExtension] (14) Unexpected response from server during a HTTP connection: SSL_read: errno = 9.. OLE DB or ODBC error: The command has been canceled.. OLE DB or ODBC error: The command has been canceled.. OLE DB or ODBC error: The command has been canceled..


Can you please help me?



Master Collaborator



You need to enable trace level logging for ODBC driver and should check the logs after reproducing the issue.

Check if you have any socket timeout errors in the trace logs if yes refer the below doc to set the socket timeout.



Chethan YM



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