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read information influxdb database


I need extract information of the influxdb database and copy only the information that i need into elasticsearch. I see of PutInfluxDB processor(), but I think it isn't valid. Is there any way to do it? or some similary with influxdb database


Master Guru

@sandra Alvarez

All put processors are used to store the data into filesystem/db's/table's in NiFi.

There is ExecuteInfluxDBQuery processor to get data from influxdb.

Refer to this and this link for more details regards to ExecuteInfluxDBQuery processor.

Then you can use PutElasticSearch processors to store data into Elastic search.


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Master Guru

@sandra Alvarez

All put processors are used to store the data into filesystem/db's/table's in NiFi.

There is ExecuteInfluxDBQuery processor to get data from influxdb.

Refer to this and this link for more details regards to ExecuteInfluxDBQuery processor.

Then you can use PutElasticSearch processors to store data into Elastic search.


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Master Guru
@sandra Alvarez

ExecuteInfluxDBQuery processor has been added in NiFi-1.7.0+ version, I think you are using <NiFi-1.7.

You need to update the HDF/NiFi version to get these new processors (or) if you are having HortonWorks support then contact that team to get this processor to your NiFi version.


Hello Shu:

But I dont have this processor (ExecuteInfluxDBQuery) 😞



hi Shu,

In the second link , I see because I cannt use the ExecuteInfluxDBQuery
