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root volume on ec2 instances ?

Rising Star

I have three questions on instance storage on ec2 instance.


1. How to give different volume for workers and master, if using director client ?

    rootVolumeSizeGB: <??>


2. is the above root volumne added is of EBS kind ?


3. For example, If i select worker machine of type d2.2xlarge. what is use of  OOTB instance storage attached to EC2 volume since that is never mounted for root expansion ?

d2.2xlarge ===> 6 x 2048 GB (Use ?)


Cloudera Employee

Hi kartikbha,


I asked what we do and we mount them as /data0, /data1, ... etc


It was mentioned that they are used for hdfs data.

View solution in original post


Cloudera Employee

Hi Kartikbha,


When defining a config, the instances section is basically a set of instance templates that you are defining.

So for your worker group, you could define a worker template, and your master group would use the master template.  Given this separation, you would assign the worker template to your worker cluster group definition.


instances {

  worker-instance {

    type: d2.2xlarge

    rootVolumeSizeGB: 100 # 100GB



  master-instance {

    type: super.powered.xxxlarge






cluster {

  masters {

    instance: ${master-instance}


  workers {

   instance: ${worker-instance}





I think that EBS root volume type is specific to the ami you choose.

Looking at the aws documentation:


It looks like d2.2xlarge doesn't say anything about EBS, so I may be assuming incorrectly but I don't think it is of the EBS kind.

Cloudera Employee

Re: #2, I just asked and the root volume size that you specify in the config file is for an EBS backed volume.


Rising Star
Hi jheyming, question #3 is not answered.


Cloudera Employee

Hi kartikbha,


I asked what we do and we mount them as /data0, /data1, ... etc


It was mentioned that they are used for hdfs data.