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rules for creating password in hadoop. Are their ,rules for creating password in hadoop.

New Contributor

Are their any rules or limitations while creating password in hadoop cluster. If yes, is their any documentation available for the same.


Super Collaborator

@Himanshi Gidwani

Could you please clarify on what passwords you are referring here? We dont have any password authentication for hadoop(HDFS/YARN/MR). What ever user authenticated on client host(where executing hdfs command) will be the user accessing hadoop services. (Using kerberos is regular practise to configure authentication on hadoop)

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Super Collaborator

@Himanshi Gidwani

Could you please clarify on what passwords you are referring here? We dont have any password authentication for hadoop(HDFS/YARN/MR). What ever user authenticated on client host(where executing hdfs command) will be the user accessing hadoop services. (Using kerberos is regular practise to configure authentication on hadoop)

New Contributor


I want to create on a kerberos hadoop cluster. Do we have rules for that?

like not adding a paranthesis or something?

Super Collaborator
@Himanshi Gidwani

hadoop doesnt enforce any rules, if using AD for kerberos, usually password policies are set in AD. No such requirement from hadoop end. We just need a principal created in AD/KDC. Only recommendation is to set "password never expire" for the service account created in AD.

New Contributor

New Contributor
@Himanshi Gidwani

The only limitation i ran into so far was the password of my LDAP Manager / Bind user within Apache Ranger UserSync.

I got the following error message after I applied the correct AD Settings to UserSync:

LDAP/AD bind password contains one of the unsupported special characters like
" ' \ `

New Contributor

I'm having a similar issue with the YARN clients in my cluster. When the password is set in Ambari and it has a special character of ">" the YARN Client interprets it as "&gt". 
Set passwd -  ba(PxO463$bd;>
Passwd in the yarn core-site.xml
lx963:/usr/hdp/ #grep PxO463$bd core-site.xml

Is there a workaround or fix for this?

James Yarnell