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Title | Views | Posted |
944 | 12-04-2020 07:46 AM | |
1210 | 11-01-2019 12:19 PM | |
1668 | 11-01-2019 09:07 AM | |
2601 | 10-30-2019 06:10 AM | |
1314 | 10-28-2019 10:03 AM |
07:46 AM
Policy type is missing. By default policyType is 0 which is Access type. Try with below API. curl -u admin -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -X POST -d '
{"policyType":"2","name":"row_policy_1","isEnabled":true,"policyPriority":0,"policyLabels":[],"description":"","isAuditEnabled":true,"resources":{"database":{"values":["default"],"isRecursive":false,"isExcludes":false},"table":{"values":["test_table"],"isRecursive":false,"isExcludes":false}},"rowFilterPolicyItems":[{"users":["hr1"],"accesses":[{"type":"select","isAllowed":true}],"rowFilterInfo":{"filterExpr":"c1=true"}}],"service":"c116_hive"}' http://ranger-admin:6080/service/plugins/policies -v
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11:29 AM
Hive view is no longer available in Ambari 2.7.x version (required for HDP 3). And is deprecated in support of DAS/DAS lite. Alternatively you can use the JDBC tools like DBvisulaizer or Squirrel or Hue.
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10:40 AM
Knox admin ui is SSO enabled by default. Accessing api /gateway/manager/admin-ui/ will redirect to SSO page where you should give the matching credentials (as per ldap/shiro configured in knoxsso.xml). Access admin-ui from browser and verify.
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04:49 PM
@nagaiik We dont have ranger plugin for Hive metastore. Ranger plugin is configured for Hive Server2 and runs as part of HS2 JVM. If it is Hive metastore that hangs then it is not related to ranger. Heap dump of the process must be analyzed to identify what is causing high memory usage. HIVE-20568 is the fix to not convert special characters in the table/db names. Due to the conversion of names, ranger authorization was not enforced as names are not same as the one set in policies. This doesnt have any workaround can be fixed on with upgrade to HDP-3.1.4 or contact cloudera hotfix. Refer the release notes for fixed issues.
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08:53 AM
Dashboards used by Activity explorer will use phoenix interpreter configured to connect ams-hbase. Verify if AMS hbase is accessible using #export HBASE_CONF_PATH=/etc/ams-hbase/conf #<PathTo>/ <ams-fqdn>:61181:/ams-hbase-secure (if AMS is running in embedded mode>
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12:19 PM
1 Kudo
@JeffEvans I think below thread answers the same question about spark client libs on worker nodes. We dont need spark clients installed on all the worker nodes, should be installed only on edge nodes.
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09:07 AM
logsearch-conf.xml files are removed as part of jira These are removed as xml files are not used for configuration.
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11:00 AM
hive cli is deprecated in HDP3.x version and executing it would take you to the same process of beeline. A new variable is set in script USE_BEELINE_FOR_HIVE_CLI=true which will make hive cli session to go use beeline. It is no longer recommended to use hive cli. Please use beeline session in HDP 3.x If you understand the risks of using hive CLI and still want to use, then change the script to set USE_BEELINE_FOR_HIVE_CLI=false which we don't recommend, but this is one way of making hive cli to work in HDP 3. Without authentication configured on hive, you can give any name and password at beeline prompt and beeline will allow the access. Even blank username/password is accepted, but this would set user name as 'anonymous' .
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06:10 AM
Error shows that pid file is not created after starting tagsync component. This probably would mean tagsync is not started or it failed after successful execution of tagsync start script. Details about tagsync failure should be logged in tagsync.log and tagsync.out. Please review those files or post here if any exceptions in those file for further assistance.
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10:03 AM
If clusterusers is a group then you should have a space separator between users and groups in acl config. Something like yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.acl_submit_applications=yarn,ambari-qa clusterusers
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