Created 06-01-2016 09:34 AM
actually i have this query very slow, any suggestion to improve that?
select codinterno,sum(freq) as freq,codtxf from journey_oficina_v4 where codnrbeenf = '3008' and (fechaoprcnf >= '2016-04-01 00:00:00.0' and fechaoprcnf < '2016-04-02 00:00:00.0' ) and codtxf = 'STR01OON' group by codinterno, codtxf order by freq desc
i just have a bucket for codnrbeenf and is not in the query so....
Created 06-01-2016 10:09 AM
as you are using Transactional Table you can not take advantage of sort by on fechaoprcnf column.Apart from partitioning try to create storage index on the table using tblproperties ("orc.create.index"="true","orc.compress"="ZLIB", "orc.stripe.size"="268435456", "orc.row.index.stride"="10000")
-- orc stripe and index.stride value in this case are default try to tune these value and compare performace results.
Created 06-01-2016 12:14 PM
you are right i have received this error:
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10298]: ACID insert, update, delete not supported on tables that are sorted, table journey_oficina (state=42000,code=10298)
so, I have removed the "transactional"="true", and the statement was ok, but now i cant make ACID operaitons, also it have improve the query, but now HOW CAN I UPDATE DE TABLE??
Created 06-02-2016 12:21 PM
whaMany thanks i create that and it faster now, but i cant do ACID operation, so, what can i do??
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS journey_oficina( FECHAOPRCNF timestamp, codnrbeenf string, CODINTERNO string, CODTXF string, FREQ BIGINT ) CLUSTERED BY (codnrbeenf) SORTED BY (FECHAOPRCNF) INTO 60 BUCKETS stored as ORC LOCATION '/RSI/tables/logs/journey_oficina' TBLPROPERTIES ("immutable"="false", "orc.create.index"="true","orc.compress"="ZLIB", "orc.stripe.size"="67108864","orc.row.index.stride"="25000");
Created 06-02-2016 12:29 PM
good to see that worked but due to limitation with Transactional table you can not use sorted by, may be in coming future version it will be supported.
Created 06-03-2016 05:42 PM
so, this month it will be in production, so what happend if the diary batch fail this day???
Created 06-05-2016 09:29 AM
I could not get your question here, could you please elobarate what you are asking?
Created 06-06-2016 03:18 PM
I mean if i need to change into the table, i need to delete everything and insert again??
Created 06-07-2016 05:38 AM
Created 06-08-2016 06:26 AM
it seems that all your queries has been answered, could you please spare some time and accept a best answer in this thread.