Created 01-23-2017 04:04 PM
Hi all,
I'm working my way through the tutorial
I'm on section 2.2.10 Beeline – Command Shell
and I do the following;
1. Open Putty and connect to the server using maria_dev, this works fine
2. I then run su hive and I get asked for the password.
I'm confused as to who's password it wants, I've entered the root password,maria_dev's password but it keeps saying "su: incorrect password"
Any thoughts on where I've gone wrong? My only other option is to reset my VM and start over.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
Created 01-23-2017 04:08 PM
You would need to switch to 'root' user in order to do su without password.
or you can try 'sudo su hive'
Created 01-23-2017 04:08 PM
You would need to switch to 'root' user in order to do su without password.
or you can try 'sudo su hive'
Created 01-23-2017 04:24 PM
Thanks, I did the sudo su hive got a bit of text and then got told maria_dev is not in the sudoers_file.
So now I just need to get maria_dev in there. Alternatively as you say, connecting as root allowed me to run su hive.
Thanks for your super fast reply.
Created 01-23-2017 04:29 PM
@Nic Hopper - You are most welcome! Happy Hadooping!! 🙂