Created 10-08-2024 11:36 AM
getting this error while starting id can't update anythind in adding snn or remove nn same shows anyone help me
Created 10-10-2024 01:38 PM
resolve this by addin the conf in anothe nn,
the conf are
1. NameNode Nameservice
2. Automatic failover tick
3. Quorum Journal name
Created 10-08-2024 09:12 PM
Hi @Israr,
It looks like you have enabled HA, but there is no secondary name node in your cluster. This complains about the configuration issue. Can you review your HDFS configs once?
Let us know if this helps.
Created 10-09-2024 07:13 AM
Created 10-09-2024 07:14 AM
anybody has faced same issue and if you please let me know
Created 10-10-2024 11:38 AM
see this any body can help
Created 10-10-2024 01:38 PM
resolve this by addin the conf in anothe nn,
the conf are
1. NameNode Nameservice
2. Automatic failover tick
3. Quorum Journal name