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unable to start service from hdp sandbox 2.6.5


While trying to install HDP 2.6.5 sandbox on windows 10 with wmare, after starting the vm with 4cpu and 10g ram, i can login the ambari but all service can't be started


I have tried "restart all" service or restart zookeeper via the account: raj_ops, but no luck.




Master Mentor

@forest lin

It looks like your ambari agent might not be running.

1. Please try this:

# ambari-agent restart

2. Can you please check and share the ambari agent log ?


3. Please check what all processes are already running on that Sandbox? It might be possible that few components might already be running but agent might not be able to show the proper status to Amabri Server due to some broker communication / OR agent down issue.

4. Please check the free memory available on the sandbox host:

# free -m

5. Also after restarting the ambari server do you see any error in the ambari-server.log?


View solution in original post



i also tried to use "ambari-admin-password-reset" to set admin password then login ambari with admin, then repeat the start service actions, but no luck to start hdp services..

Master Mentor

@forest lin

It looks like your ambari agent might not be running.

1. Please try this:

# ambari-agent restart

2. Can you please check and share the ambari agent log ?


3. Please check what all processes are already running on that Sandbox? It might be possible that few components might already be running but agent might not be able to show the proper status to Amabri Server due to some broker communication / OR agent down issue.

4. Please check the free memory available on the sandbox host:

# free -m

5. Also after restarting the ambari server do you see any error in the ambari-server.log?


New Contributor

How can I start the agent? I would need to SSH into the sandbox correct?

When I try to SSH using root, I get asked for a password, what should the password be?

New Contributor

the password would be 'hadoop'


after restart the ambari-agent service, i can start the zk , hdfs, mr, hive , spark2 now.

thanks @Jay Kumar SenSharma