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/var/log/messages - cm: OSError : [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/run/user/0'

New Contributor

I'm trying to identify why I am seeing the error given in the subject of this question.

The error appears nightly on each host running cloudera-scm-agent (6.2).


I suspect the following:

When cron.daily is run, the host monitor appears to start monitoring the disk_usage of /run/user/0.

Due to the temporary nature of /run/user/*, when the directory is removed the cm-agent throws 'No such file or directory' errors into /var/log/messages.


Has anyone else encountered these errors? What's the rationale of monitoring /run/user/*?

Could this be handled better?


Thanks, Deaks


Expert Contributor

@Deaks @HGeorge 


This issue can occur if you had some previous mount points and later if you have unmounted them. In some unusual scenarios, CM agent will still tries to grab the filesystem information of that mount point and fails.


To temporarily suppress this error, update the /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini on each of the hosts affected to:

1. In the line that lists the nodev filesystems:
# The list of non-device (nodev) filesystem types which will be monitored.


2. Please change the uncommented line to read as :


3. Restart the cloudera manager agent with:
service cloudera-scm-agent restart




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View solution in original post


New Contributor

Did you ever get an answer to this?   I am seeing the same behavior. 

Expert Contributor

@Deaks @HGeorge 


This issue can occur if you had some previous mount points and later if you have unmounted them. In some unusual scenarios, CM agent will still tries to grab the filesystem information of that mount point and fails.


To temporarily suppress this error, update the /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini on each of the hosts affected to:

1. In the line that lists the nodev filesystems:
# The list of non-device (nodev) filesystem types which will be monitored.


2. Please change the uncommented line to read as :


3. Restart the cloudera manager agent with:
service cloudera-scm-agent restart




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