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what does Average percentage of local files to RegionServer mean?

Master Guru

I found the metric Regionserver.Server.percentFilesLocal on ambari which is showing 20%. What is the meaning of the metric? Any details would be appreciated.


Master Guru

That's the ratio of HFiles associated with regions served by an RS having one replica stored on the local Data Node in HDFS. RS can access local files directly from a local disk if short-circuit is enabled. And If you, for example run a RS on a machine without DN, its locality will be zero. You can find more details here. And on HBase Web UI page you can find locality per table.

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Master Guru

That's the ratio of HFiles associated with regions served by an RS having one replica stored on the local Data Node in HDFS. RS can access local files directly from a local disk if short-circuit is enabled. And If you, for example run a RS on a machine without DN, its locality will be zero. You can find more details here. And on HBase Web UI page you can find locality per table.