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How to insert data into Hive using NiFi ?

Super Collaborator

Hello NiFi 0.70 I have 2 questions regarding Hive processors in NiFi.

1. I created a basic flow and using "SelectHiveQL" processor i'm able to extract data from hive. However, i have no idea where the output resides. When i choose csv as output format the execution fails. When i choose Avro it succeeds but i don't know what Avro is and where to find it on my NiFi machine. So where exactly can i find the output of my query ?

2. After executing the "SelectHiveQL" processor i wanted to insert the data to a different table in Hive. I tried using "PutHiveQL" processor but it doesn't have any field for writing my insert command. So i used the "SelectHiveQL" processor for inserting the data by using "insert select" statement (see attached screenshot) 6737-snap-2016-08-18-at-115333.png

This works - but it seems kind of a workaround. There must be a proper way to insert data into hive. Any ideas ? Adi

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