Created on 07-16-2014 08:47 AM - edited 09-16-2022 02:02 AM
we have a cluster with 8 nodes on CDH5 (5.0.2) with Yarn MRv2 in use and a big problem which is probably due to the Config.
In addition to Hadoop, we also use Imapala so we can not use give all ressoures to yarn.
Each of our nodes have 128GB of RAM and 12 cores.
Currently sees the Memory config for Yarn as follows: = 8Gib
mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb = 8Gib = 8Gib = 6960MiB = 6960MiB
"Java Heap Size in bytes of NodeManager" = 8Gib
yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb = 80Gib
Now we get the problem that if we run multiple applications in parallel all stop and no one finished.
it looks as if they hang forever. I see no exception or errors in "/var/log/hadoop-yarn" (Debug Log Level).
I would be glad if someone can help? 🙂