Created on 08-01-2014 06:38 AM - edited 09-16-2022 02:04 AM
I have a Clouder Manager 4.8 cluster with Kerberos enabled
When I configured HDFS/Hbase/Zookeeper to use Kerberos, Cloudera Manager generated all the principals and keytabs for all the services on each node
However, I have two unmanaged namenodes that I want to use as part of my cluster - Cloudera Manager does not know about these nodes, so it did not generate the principals and keytabs for the services on these nodes
I followed the steps for generating the keytabs/principals as part of the manual CDH setup, but the guide told me to move my keys tabs to /etc/hadoop/conf, but there are no other keytabs in that folder
So I need to know where does Cloudera Manager store its generated keytabs
Or am I supposed to merge the manually created keytabs with the generated keytabs somehow?
Thanks for any help in advance