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morphlines, kite, solr and flume

Expert Contributor

Hi, I want to catch xml payload using flume and use morphlines to put parsed data to solr.

Now I have a deep misunderstanding. What do I have to use cdk-morphlines or kite?

I have a config:


morphlines : [
    id : morphline1
    importCommands : ["com.cloudera.**"]

    commands : [
        xquery {
          fragments : [
              fragmentPath : "/"
              queryString : "/collectorEvent/attributes/etpEventCollectorAttributes/ssoId"

      { logDebug { format : "output record: {}", args : ["@{}"] } }

 it runs for cdk and doesn't work for kite environment. I do get an exception while trying to run test:


org.kitesdk.morphline.api.MorphlineCompilationException: No command builder registered for name: xquery near: {
# target/test-classes/morphlines/dummy-xml.conf: 8
"xquery" : {
# target/test-classes/morphlines/dummy-xml.conf: 9
"fragments" : [
# target/test-classes/morphlines/dummy-xml.conf: 10
# target/test-classes/morphlines/dummy-xml.conf: 12
"queryString" : "/collectorEvent/attributes/etpEventCollectorAttributes/ssoId",
# target/test-classes/morphlines/dummy-xml.conf: 11
"fragmentPath" : "/"


why? and what would work with flume?

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