Created on 02-05-2015 04:43 PM - edited 09-16-2022 02:21 AM
After upgrading from 5.2.1 to 5.3.1 we are seeing EXT4 errors on our HDFS/Yarm Manager nodes:
DatanodeRegistration(, datanodeUuid=d2f178f8-1399-4330-92b9-c627b0a04804, infoPort=50075, ipcPort=50020, storageInfo=lv=-56;cid=cluster15;nsid=601399481;c=0):Got exception while serving BP-447169353- to / org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.ReplicaNotFoundException: Replica not found for BP-447169353-
The upgrade did not throw any exceptions and "hdfs fsck /" is clean. How can I flush these out of the system? Maybe these are files that did not have time to replicate properly before the upgrade?