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Spark SQL JSON array querry ?


I have a simple JSON dataset as below. How do I query all parts.lock


    "id": 1,
    "name": "A green door",
    "price": 12.50,
    "tags": ["home", "green"],
    "parts" : [
            "lock" : "One lock",
            "key" : "single key"
            "lock" : "2 lock",
            "key" : "2 key"


select id,name,price,parts.lock from product

The point is if I use parts[0].lock it will return one row as below:

{u'price': 12.5, u'id': 1, u'.lock': {u'lock': u'One lock', u'key': u'single key'}, u'name': u'A green door'}

But I want to return all the locks in the parts structure.

Please help me with this, thanks !

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