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@happynodes I have moved your thread to the Cloudera Manager board, because you mentioned that you were using Parcels and as far as I know, that is a CM specific packaging model.


To answer your question, there are mechanisms in CM all over the place to control the size and number of log files that are retained.  Please be aware that each and every Hadoop service, as well as the Cloudera Manager management/monitoring services will all keep their own logs, and by default those end up in /var/log.


For example, if you browse to your hdfs1 service page and click on "Configuration->View and Edit".  On the left-hand side, you will be able to expand several menus and see "Logs" sections, which allow you to configure the logging of that service.  Datanode, Failover Controller, and Namenode are a few examples of such.


What I would recommend is to try to identify which actual directory under /var/log is the culprit here and then go into CM and adjust the log retention settings for that service.

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