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Master Collaborator

Hi @Karan1211,

User 'admin' does not have access to create a directory under /user. Because the /user/ directory is owned by "hdfs" with 755 permissions. As a result, only hdfs can write to that directory. So you would need to do this:

If you want to create a home directory for root so you can store files in this directory, do:


sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/admin
sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown admin /user/admin

Then as admin you can do hdfs dfs -put file /user/admin/

NOTE: If you get below authentication error, either from your user account, you do not have enough permission to run the above command, so try with sudo or try with first sudo to hdfs user and then execute chown command as hdfs user. 

su: authentication failure

I hope this helps.

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