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Master Mentor



What version of NiFi are you running?

There are a set of bugs identified here that are likely related to the issue you described:


The good news is that these have all since been resolved.  
I would recommend upgrading your NiFi to a version 1.10 or newer.
Or HDF or newer
Or CFM 1.0.1 or newer


As a workaround, you could shutdown you NiFi and search the users.xml and authorizations.xml file for uuid "938eb61e-bbc4-383a-8475-aee80541b5a5" and remove all references to it.  You would then need to make the exact same changes to the users.xml and authorizations.xml file on every other node in your NiFi cluster or copy the corrected files from one node to the other nodes.


Hope this helps,


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