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Master Collaborator
To resolve the issue, import the Ambari certificates to the Ambari truststore. To import the Ambari certificates, do the following: 

STEP 1: 
Get certificate from ambari-server 
echo | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <AMBARI_HOst>:<AMBARI_HTTPs_PORT> 2>&1 | sed --quiet '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /tmp/ 

STEP 2: 
Get path of ambari trustore and truststore password from Ambari properties 
cat /etc/ambari-server/conf/ |grep truststore 

As per your below is the path and password :-
ssl.trustStore.password=refer from file

STEP 3: 
keytool -importcert -file /tmp/ambari_certificate.crt -keystore <keystore-path> 

STEP 4: 
ambari-server restart

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