Created on 01-29-2016 08:44 AM - edited 09-16-2022 03:00 AM
I've been working with the CDH 5.5.0 VM for a couple of weeks.
* I started Tutorial number two.
* Loaded the data.
*Created the tables (in Hive).
* Now trying to use Hue Impala to query the tables.
Something happened in Hue such that Impala can't seem to load the metadata. In the database frame on the left side it says "The database list cannot be loaded." All Impala queries, even invalidate metadata, return the following error message:
AnalysisException: Syntax error in line 1: USE `` ^ Encountered: EMPTY IDENTIFIER Expected: IDENTIFIER CAUSED BY: Exception: Syntax error
impala-shell works fine for all queries and commands. It is only Hue that is having the issue.
I have done the following:
Run invalidate metadata in impala-shell (works fine)
Restarted Hue
Restarte Impala
Restarted the VM several times
This guy is having the same issue:
Any help would be appreciated as I'm working on a POC to get approval for purchasing Cloudera.
Thanks all!