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Solr Instance Fails to Start on CDH 5.6.x


I have Solr instance which is installed on a Master/Name Node which runs fine.  I subsequently installed another Solr instance on a Slave/Data Node.  It starts fine but then minuted later fails with:


Solr Server API Liveness
The Cloudera Manager Agent is not able to communicate with this Solr Server over the HTTP API.


Web Server Status
The Cloudera Manager Agent is not able to communicate with this role's web server.


I found the following in the cloudera-scm-agent.log file:


HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
[07/Apr/2016 21:59:20 +0000] 1515 Monitor-SolrServerMonitor urllib2_kerberos CRITICAL GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure. Minor code may provide more information/Server krbtgt/DOMAIN.COM@HADOOPSS.DOMAIN.COM not found in Kerberos database
[07/Apr/2016 21:59:20 +0000] 1515 Monitor-SolrServerMonitor url_util ERROR Autentication error on attempt 2. Retrying after sleeping 1.000000 seconds.




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