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Hue cannot access database, Failed to access filesystem root

New Contributor

I have installed a HUE on my mac but after I open the HUE and found couple confirguration problem. Anyone can help on these? Thx.

hadoop.hdfs_clusters.default.webhdfs_urlCurrent value: http://localhost:50070/webhdfs/v1
Failed to access filesystem root
Resource ManagerFailed to contact an active Resource Manager: ('Connection aborted.', error(61, 'Connection refused'))
desktop.secret_keyCurrent value:
Secret key should be configured as a random string. All sessions will be lost on restart
SQLITE_NOT_FOR_PRODUCTION_USESQLite is only recommended for small development environments with a few users.
HiveFailed to access Hive warehouse: /user/hive/warehouse
HBase BrowserThe application won't work without a running HBase Thrift Server v1.
ImpalaNo available Impalad to send queries to.
Oozie Editor/DashboardThe app won't work without a running Oozie server
Pig EditorThe app won't work without a running Oozie server
SparkThe app won't work without a running Livy Spark Server
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