Hello, I am confused for why my CM is showing error and no results of any charts. It was working fine till yesterday and today morning it stopped unexpectedly. The error I am getting is:
Request to the Host Monitor failed. This may cause slow page responses. View the status of the Host Monitor.
I have assigned 8GB of RAM and 2 processors to my VM.
My Cloudera configuration shows:
Cloudera QuickStart
- ZooKeeper: Service zookeeper has 1 Server. Cloudera suggests at least 3 Servers for ZooKeeper.
- HDFS: Service hdfs has 1 DataNode. Cloudera suggests at least 3 DataNodes for HDFS.
- HDFS: Java Heap Size of NameNode in Bytes
Java Heap Size of NameNode in Bytes is recommended to be at least 1GB for every million HDFS blocks. Suggested minimum value: 4294967296
- Kafka: Java Heap Size of Broker
50 is less than the recommended minimum of 256.
- quickstart.cloudera: Memory Overcommit Validation Threshold
Memory on host quickstart.cloudera is overcommitted. The total memory allocation is 13.7 GiB bytes but there are only 3.7 GiB bytes of RAM (766.5 MiB bytes of which are reserved for the system). Visit the Resources tab on the Host page for allocation details. Reconfigure the roles on the host to lower the overall memory allocation. Note: Java maximum heap sizes are multiplied by 1.3 to approximate JVM overhead.
- quickstart.cloudera: Package installs detected on host with parcels
Parcels are in use, but packages were also detected. Cloudera Manager recommends removing the packages. Components affected: crunch,flume-ng,hadoop,hadoop-0.20-mapreduce,hadoop-hdfs,hadoop-httpfs,hadoop-kms,hadoop-mapreduce,hadoop-yarn,hbase,hbase-solr,hive,hive-hcatalog,hue,hue-common,impala,llama,oozie,parquet,pig,sentry,solr,spark,sqoop,sqoop2,zookeeper.