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Cannot connect to Hive on CDH4.5 EC2 installation using Cloudera ODBC 2.5.5 Windows x64 drivers


Hi All,


I've installed a CDH4.5 Hadoop cluster on Amazon EC2 using the instructions here:


All seems to be working OK, however I can't connect to it from a Windows VM on my laptop using either the Hive or Impala ODBC drivers. I've connected this VM to the Quickstart VM in the past, and connected via the Impala ODBC drivers, but I can't seem to connect to CDH4 running on EC2 at all. Checking one of the EC2 instances, it doesn't even seem if port 10000 (the Hive port) is being used, but Hive is running and in the configuration properties for Hiveserver2 within CM, it says it's using port 10000.

Ports are open within the EC2 security group. Is there something obvious I'm missing here?



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