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How to run spark sql in parallel?


We are doing spark programming in java language. The ‘DataFrame’ has been stored in temporary table and we are running multiple queries from this temporary table inside loop. The quires are running in sequential order. We need to run in parallel from temporary table. Please find code snippet below.


Thanks in advance for your cooperation.


HiveContext hiveContext = new HiveContext(sparkContext);

              String mainQueryHql = getFileContent(mainQueryFilePath);

              DataFrame df = hiveContext.sql(mainQueryHql).persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER());


              System.out.println("Total Records in Main Query " + df.count());



              ArrayList<DataFrame> dataFrameList = new ArrayList();


              DataFrame dfSubQuery = null;

              String subQuires = getFileContent(subQueryFilePath);


              String[] alQuires = subQuires.split(";");


              for(int i=0; i<alQuires.length; i++) {

                     System.out.println("Query no " + i +" is : " + alQuires[i]);

                     logger.debug("Query no " + i +" is : " + alQuires[i]);

                     dfSubQuery = hiveContext.sql(alQuires[i]);                   




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